Jun 7, 2013

Latest info on Brad Pitt's World War Z premiere (June 9)

Thanks to Paramount Australia, Sydney Red Carpet managed to win a doublepass to World War Z premiere, so here are some exclusive scoops on the event:
1. The movie is slated to start at 5.30pm.
2. Red carpet for attendes and competition winners begins at 4pm. This is much earlier than your regular red carpet, but we are excited if nothing else, for the better lighting for the purpose of picture-taking :)
3. As we have previously reported, the premiere is on Sunday 4pm at The Star Event Centre. Fans would be able to line up at the entrance at Piramma road.

The million dollar question as Brad Pitt heads to Sydney is of course: Is Angelina Jolie going to attend the hugely anticipated Australian premiere?

She has thus far attended the World War Z premieres in London, Paris and Berlin, but as of now, there is no official word if Miss Jolie has any plans for Sydney. What is certain though, that Brad Pitt is going to touch down Sunday morning, so we will know for sure by tomorrow.

Paramount officials informed us that while Mr Pitt is scheduled to do a huge number of interviews on the red carpet, they are hopeful that he would be able to meet and greet the fans (depending on the time he has). We'll read that as yes to taking pictures and signing autographs. We fully expect that it's going to be one heck of a crazy premiere, since all focus will be on one actor this time.

To add to our previous red carpet tips:
1. For ladies, be very weary of middle aged / old men lining up behind you at the red carpet. At the risk of generalising, they are often up to something bad. Just because the red carpet's busy doesn't mean you should tolerate people pressing against you. Don't be afraid to tell them off and report to security. Sometimes you don't even feel anything's wrong but trust us in this since they prey on really busy crowds. Stay away from them and be alert of anyone behind you. 

2. Come very early as people from all over Australia are headed to the premiere. Perhaps 10-12 PM?

3. be very assertive, have your camera ready to snap a photo in a second because he might skip some, or many, people. It would be unlikely that you can ask your friend to take a picture for you, since every man and woman is for themselves when it comes to celebrities. You know what that means? Go and practice taking selfies, folks!

4. This goes without saying: HAVE FUN and tweet your red carpet pictures to us @sydneyredcarpet!! 

Picture c/o 4umf

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